Thursday, September 19, 2013

Recipes for cooking a good news story

Writing a news story is like cooking a good meal: some have less calories (250 words) and others are more nutritious (500 words).

Which one are you going to cook?

A news story of 250 words.
A news story of 500 words.
A profile of a person or organization.
A recipe for an opinion piece.
A recipe for Arts and Entertainment.

Good and healthy story: only 250 words

1 paragraph of straight news information
1 paragraph of important details about the news event
1 paragraph with a quote that clarifies the story
1 paragraph of what we have to pay attention in the development of the story.

How to cook it:
1. Paragraph 1: 1 sentence lead paragraph in which you directly state what the news is. No introduction to the news story, no suspense. Tell us what happen in straightforward way: this is the protein of our story. Keep it to 35 or less words!
2. Paragraph 2: 3-4 sentences with important details, moments, names related to the event that you are writing about.
3. Paragraph 3: 2-3 sentences, one of them should be a quote from somebody who is directly involved with the event: a participant, authority, or observer.
4. Paragraph 4: 2 sentences about what we have to pay attention to in the development of the story.

Spices that will make the story really good:
1. Find the perspective that will make it relevant to UNE students
2. Include a quote from a student, faculty or staff who are directly involved in the story.
3. Use fewer adjectives and more facts to stay objective
4. Write in active voice
5. Use good grammar

Good and nutritious story: 500 words

1 paragraph of straight news information
2 paragraphs of important details about the news event
2 paragraph with 2-3 quotes that clarifies the story
1 paragraph of what we have to pay attention in the development of the story.

How to cook it:
1. Paragraph 1: 1 sentence lead paragraph in which you directly state what the news is. No introduction to the news story, no suspense. Tell us what happen in straightforward way: this is the protein of our story. Keep it to 35 or less words!
2. Paragraph 2: 3-4 sentences with important details, moments, names, etc. related to the event that you are writing about.
3. Paragraph 3: 3-4 sentences, including a quote from somebody who is directly involved with the event: a participant, authority, or observer.
4. Paragraph 4: 2-3 sentences with additional details, moments, names, etc. related to the event that you are writing about. These will be less important facts, for example, you can look back and compare with other similar events and the outcomes from them. Another quote.
4. Paragraph 5: 2-3 sentences about what we have to pay attention to in the development of the story. Include one more quote if possible.

Spices that will make the story really good:
1. Find the perspective that will make it relevant to UNE students
2. Include a quote from a student, faculty or staff who are directly involved in the story. Include a quote from somebody else. If first quote is from staff, faculty, a player, or coach
3. Use fewer adjectives and more facts to stay objective
4. Write in active voice
5. Use good grammar

Recipe for a profile story of a person or organization based on an interview (250 words)

250 words
500 words
1 paragraph that introduces the significance of the person/organization (this shows the news-worthy aspect of it). Did they receive an award, published a book, have significant impact on the UNE growth, or it is new/revived organization? 2 sentences
1 paragraph that introduces the significance of the person/organization (this shows the news-worthy aspect of it) Did they receive an award, published a book, have significant impact on the UNE growth, or it is new/revived organization? 2 sentences
1 paragraph that brings up facts about their past that are relevant to your story. If it is a new organization, how it came to being? 2-3 sentences
1 paragraph about 2 important and facts from the past of the individual or the organization or how the organization came to being. 4-5 sentences. A quote
1 paragraph that tells us what they currently do (this is the reason for creating their profile). Include a quote from them.  Make sure to connect it with paragraph 1!
1 paragraph about a curious situation that connects their past and their present. Quote about the situation. If you write about organization, use a quote from another person involved in it. 2-3 sentences
1 paragraph what the future plans, vision of the organization’s growth, etc.
1 paragraph about the current situation. Focus on details of the award, the recognition, the publication, etc. and the current ideas, work, projects they work on (also relevant if you write about the organization). 4-5 sentences max.

1 paragraph about future plans, vision for growth. Finishing with a quote will be good.

Spices that will make the story really good:
1. Find the perspective that will make it relevant to UNE students
2. Include a quote from a student, faculty or staff who are directly involved in the story. Include a quote from somebody else. If first quote is from staff, faculty, a player, or coach
3. Use fewer adjectives and more facts to stay objective
4. Write in active voice
5. Use good grammar

A recipe for an opinion piece:

Paragraph 1: State what the big issue you are going to discuss is (2 sentences max).
Paragraph 2-4: Give 1 major aspect of this issue in each new paragraph and discuss good and bad sides of it (2-3 sentences each)
Paragraph 5: What should be done to resolve the issue? (2-3 sentences max).

Look above to see what spices you need to make it strong opinion piece!

A recipe for Arts and Entertainment (250 words):

Paragraph 1: Summary of the story without spoilers (1-2 sentences)
Paragraph 2: Strengths of the art product (2-3 sentences)
Paragraph 3: Weaknesses of the art product (2-3 sentences)
Paragraph 4: Conclusion what your evaluation is (maybe include starts, 7 of 10 stars, for example)

Paragraph 2 and 3 should include names of major characters, name of tracks, references to other authors, artists, writers, etc.
Paragraph 2 should include a quote from the author, the audience, director, organizer, etc. anyone who organized it and/or participated in it in one or another way.

Of course, you need the spices that we use in the previous storiesJ


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